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DocsThemesBlog ThemeInstallation

Get Started


Similar to the docs theme, you can install the blog theme with the following commands:

Install Next.js, Nextra and React

npm i next nextra react react-dom

Install the blog theme

npm i nextra-theme-blog

Create the following Next.js config and theme config under the root directory:

import nextra from 'nextra' const withNextra = nextra({ theme: 'nextra-theme-blog', themeConfig: './theme.config.js' }) export default withNextra()
export default { footer: <p>MIT 2021 © Nextra.</p>, head: ({ title, meta }) => ( <> {meta.description && ( <meta name="description" content={meta.description} /> )} {meta.tag && <meta name="keywords" content={meta.tag} />} { && <meta name="author" content={} />} </> ), readMore: 'Read More →', titleSuffix: null, postFooter: null, cusdis: { appId: 'your_app_id', host: 'your_host(optional)', lang: 'your_lang' }, darkMode: false, navs: [ { url: '', name: 'Nextra' } ] }

Create pages/_app.js and include the theme stylesheet:

import 'nextra-theme-blog/style.css' export default function Nextra({ Component, pageProps }) { const getLayout = Component.getLayout || (page => page) return <Component {...pageProps} /> }

You are good to go!


You can also use <style jsx> to style elements inside theme.config.js.


An example of the blog theme can be found here.

Last updated on